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Essential Oils and Eczema

February 02, 2023 2 min read

Essential Oils and Eczema

Have you tried essential oils? This wellness trend is all over lately and some oils claim to help with relaxation, skin health, mood regulation and more. While essential oils have become a popular alternative treatment for many health concerns,  it's important to remember that not all forms of treatment are safe for everyone, especially children. 


Newborns and babies up to the age of 12 months are especially vulnerable to the effects of essential oils, and there are several reasons why they should not be used during this critical stage of development and are not medically recommended for this age group.


  1. Lack of regulation: Essential oils are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as drugs, and their safety and efficacy have not been scientifically proven. This means that there is limited information available on the proper dosing and use of essential oils in children, particularly those under the age of 12 months.
  2. Fragile skin: Children up to the age of 12 months have delicate skin that is much more permeable than adult skin. This means that any substance applied to their skin is much more likely to be absorbed into their bloodstream, leading to potential toxicity. Essential oils contain powerful compounds that can irritate or even damage a child's skin, leading to rashes, burns, or other skin reactions.
  3. Toxicity: Some essential oils, such as tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil, contain compounds that can be toxic when ingested, inhaled, or applied to the skin. In children, even small amounts of these oils can cause serious health problems, such as respiratory distress, convulsions, or even death.
  4. Immature systems: Children up to the age of 12 months have immature systems that are still developing, including their immune system, liver, and kidneys. These systems are not yet fully capable of processing or eliminating toxic substances, making them particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of essential oils.
  5. Lack of data/research: There is limited scientific research on the safety and efficacy of essential oils in children, particularly those under the age of 12 months. Until more research is conducted, it's best to err on the side of caution and avoid using essential oils on or near children in this age group.


Ultimately, it's important to be cautious when using essential oils on newborns and babies.  While natural products are wonderful, not every product labeled as natural is necessarily right for your family. Essential oils are not medically recommended for children up to the age of 12 months. Due to the lack of regulation and research on their safety and efficacy, it's best to avoid using these products on or near this vulnerable population. If you're considering using essential oils for your baby, it's always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider first to ensure the treatment is safe and appropriate.


*As a pediatrician + mom, the safety of little ones is extremely important to me.  For this reason, I decided not to have essential oils in our skincare products for littles with eczema and sensitive skin.  All of Dr. Sylma products are safe to use in newborns and children of all ages!*

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